We believe that the answer to the most complex health and social issues of our time can be found in the hearts, minds and lived experiences of the individuals, families and communities that negotiate these issues daily.

We believe that by authentically engaging community stakeholders in a process of discovery, we empower them to take ownership of the future they inform and create.

Not everything that can be faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced.
— -James Baldwin


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Giving agency to grassroots community members and, an equal voice and position “at the table” ensures that the solutions that are created are tailored to the expressed needs of community stakeholders and, ensures that their voices control the narrative.

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Removing barriers to the fair and equitable participation of all stakeholders provides a diversity of perspectives that informs the development of truly responsive solutions

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All voices matter and have value in the process. Systems leaders must ensure that the voices of the individuals and families that they serve drive the development of responsive community systems

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We must remove the barriers that silence the voices of marginalized individuals and groups. We must move beyond creating “space at the table to creating clear (unobstructed) means of participating in the dialogue